Interruptions and Invitations
- July 26, 2021
- Posted by: Philip Struble
- Category: Uncategorized

“We interrupt the regularly scheduled program to bring you this important message”
—Emergency Broadcast System
It is said interruptions are the spice of life.
So hopefully, this interruption of my weekly blog will add to your life as well. I want to invite you to the kick-off event for the Barnabas Network.
The Barnabas Network is a gathering of business people who see and understand that the Bible is the most trusted and reliable source of business advice available. And that through our fellowship, we can strengthen each other so that our businesses will reflect a life lived according to the teachings of Jesus.
We all want to be known as honorable people, trustworthy business associates, and reliable advisors to our customers and bosses.
But it’s hard to consistently meet high ethical goals regularly when we are constantly confronted with the temptations that our current business climate delivers.
White lies, slight deviations from the tax codes, and the frequent chance to look the other way all provide pathways to bigger and more disastrous opportunities to become a media headline—and media headlines are seldom good news.
Through meeting together, we can create a climate of ethics and morals that are foundational for both business success and spiritual glory. Iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17). When together, we can build each other up and encourage new believers, and improve our business practices along the way.
On Thursday, August 5, 2021, at 7:00 am, we are meeting at the North Lawrence Train Depot, 402 N. 2nd Street, Lawrence, Kansas, 66044.
At this gathering, we will hear from a successful business person who lets the gospel influence his legal practice and hear how the Barnabas Network can help all of us enrich our understanding of what the Bible says about faithfulness, work, and our business practices.
Go to the Barnabas Network website ( to find further information and to sign-up for the August 5 gathering.
I look forward to seeing you on August 5.
Philip Struble